
Preparing Your Newborn Baby for Their Portrait Session!

Newborn Baby Photography

These are the tips that I recommend for you as parents when you bring your beautiful newborn baby for his or her portrait session. As best as you can, follow these and so we can hope for a lovely sleepy newborn to achieve beautiful, timeless newborn photography portraits for you.


1. Initial Preparation


If you can, in the morning of your session, try to keep your baby awake for 2-3 hours by interacting with them and feeding just before you leave your home or on arrival at my studio. As a parent myself I understand that these things are always easier said than done! But this little bit of prep really can make a difference to your session, especially if your baby arrives and is ready for a lovely nap. Dress your baby in a simple and loose clothing that can be removed without disturbing them too much. I recommend avoiding any socks to reduce lines and markings on the skin. If you do use a dummy, it would be great to bring it along. Your baby is used to their soother and this would help them during their session to settle. If you are breast feeding, great! Baby may wish for milk during the session and I prefer to follow your baby’s lead and instincts. I am breastfeeding supportive and you are welcome to feed or express if you want to. If you are not breastfeeding, please do bring adequate supplies of infant formula milk as your baby needs.


2. Baby Bathing

I don’t enforce bathing newborn babies as it is a very individual and personal choice on when or how your baby enjoys their first bath. A simple massage works wonders for your baby to calm and settle them.


3. When You Get Here

If you have travelled a distance to get to me, the first thing is typically speak to parents about, or they usually ask is about feeding. So feel free, feed your little one.


5. Room Temperature

My studio is warmed to ensure optimum comfort for your baby, this may mean that you will feel hot. Feel free to bring drinks and snacks, refrigerated water is provided.


6. Attending To Your Baby During Their Session

Yours and your baby’s wellbeing is more important to me than getting the best photographs (although that comes pretty close!). If you want to have a moment with your baby, please let me know. However I endeavour to settle your little one where I can to maintain the flow of the session.


7. Poo!

All babies poo! Whenever and wherever they feel and that will most likely include on props, backdrops, on me, you and wherever else they may be! It is totally fine, please don’t worry about it. As a midwife I am pretty used to wee and poo getting anywhere it can reach! We can just laugh about it and carry on.


8. Big Brothers and Sisters

Newborn sessions generally last between 2 and 4 hours, if you there are older siblings that will be included in photos, those images will be photographed at the start of the session. We suggest either bringing two cars so that Dad can take older sibling(s) back home after we finish with family images, or have your spouse/partner take older sibling(s) out on errands or to grab a snack while we complete the session. Please do bring toys and entertainment if you wish them to remain during the session

We recommend bringing no more than yourself, your spouse/partner and children. Lots of people in the studio make for somewhat challenging creative conditions, it will get hotter quicker and it’s tight in my cozy little space!

Unless discussed beforehand, I don’t allow any other form of  photography during the session. I would like to think that you chose me to do that for you! So do sit back and relax. Please see the studio policy here.


9. Family Time

If you wish to have a portrait with your keep the clothing simple. Personally, I think plain tops with neutral colours work best and I would recommend avoiding bright, florescent colours, prints and branded clothing.

I will endeavour to capture siblings with your baby however I cannot guarantee any images of this nature as the safety of your baby is paramount.

Mother and baby portraits are beautiful and ever so timeless. I will suggest this but please do not feel obligated to.




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